North Carolina IMPaCT: Advancing and Spreading Primary Care Transformation

For the IMPaCT project, we will enhance our current efforts by conducting a regional leadership development program that will enhance the effectiveness of the regional medical and quality improvement leaders. We will also enhance our current patient-centered medical home change package to included focused attention on the role of primary care in transitions between care settings. In addition to several ongoing evaluations in the state, we will evaluate the rate of improvement in performance, utilization, and cost of care by duration in CCNC and participation in NCAHEC improvement networks. Lastly, a major aspect of this proposal is to disseminate the NC primary care practice support model so that other states can take advantage of our experience and lessons learned. We will work with the National Academy for State Health Policy to disseminate tools and experiences broadly through issue briefs, detailed descriptions of the NC programs, and national webinars and conferences. We will also work intensively with 3 states to help them implement their own multi-sector primary care support efforts.

Principal Investigator: Darren Dewalt, MD

Funding: AHRQ

Total Project Period: 09/01/2011 – 09/29/2013