(Click here for English) ¡Bienvenida/os! Somos un grupo de investigadoras de la Universidad de Carolina del Norte, trabajamos en el departamento The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research. Nuestro equipo está realizando un estudio para aprender cómo ayudar a padres Latinos a mejor navegar el sistema de salud en los Estados Unidos cuando… Read more »
Clinical Trials Matrix Support to the National Cancer Institute Community Cancer Centers Program
Through a subcontract with SAIC-Frederick, this project will further develop, refine and evaluate the National Community Cancer Centers Program (NCCCP) Clinical Trials Best Practice Matrix Tool for broader use in the NCI community cancer research program beyond the NCCCP.
Analysis of American Physical Therapy Association’s (APTA) National Outcomes Database
Information gathered from these analyses will inform next steps in the continued development and use of the outcomes database and will provide an assessment of the current state of physical therapy practice, the degree of variation in practice for select diagnoses, and how practice relates to clinical practice guidelines and evidence.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Measure Development Contract (QM.D.C)
UNC will assist AIR and our other teamed subcontractors in building infrastructure for AHRQ to support work that connects research and data for purposes of developing and facilitating the use of evidence-based health care quality and efficiency measures.
Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) Sustainability: Assessing the Interplay Between Organizational, Environmental, and Network Factors That Predict Long-Term Performance and Survival
Through a sole source contract we examined the organizational, network and environmental factors associated with the sustainability of a federally funded national PBRN in community-based practice settings.
Implementing Systemic Interventions to Close the Discovery-Delivery Gap (ARRA Supplement))
This project developed a model and produced a template for community-based provider organizations to evaluate the business case for participating in the Community Clinical Oncology Program.
Implementing Systemic Interventions to Close the Discovery-Delivery Gap
This project examines the implementation, impact, sustainability, and business case of the NCI’s Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP), a federally funded national provider-based research network (PBRN) that NIH sees as a model for PBRNs in other disease areas.
Division of Health Services Regulation Support of NC Hospital Discharge Databases
This project supports the Division of Health Services Regulation in the development and use of the NC hospital discharge database, emergency room database, and the ambulatory surgery database.