Family Planning Medicaid Waiver Evaluation Materials
Family Planning Medicaid Waiver Evaluation Materials
Collection of materials used by Medicaid FP Waiver Evaluators’ Workgroup. Evaluators of FP waivers in DHHS Region IV (AL, FL, MS, NC and SC) first met in September 2005 at the RNDMU Workshop in Asheville, NC. They continue to meet monthly in conference calls to discuss issues in evaluating waiver demonstration and share issues and solutions. Over time, state staff assigned to the Medicaid family planning waiver joined the evaluators to discuss issues of common interest. In addition, evaluators and staff from states beyond Region IV have become an integral part of the Workgroup, as have other partners from Guttmacher Institute and CMS.
Publications and Presentations
Full-text versions or links to papers and presentations either authored by members of the Workgroup or suggested materials that pertain to the evaluations of Medicaid Family Planning Waiver demonstrations.
- Bronstein JM et al., Extending Medicaid Coverage for Family Planning Services Alabama’s First Four Years Public Health Reports, 2007
- Gold RB, Summers R, Frachele R, Memo on CMS Guidance on Family Planning State Plan Amendments,, Guttmacher Institute, Oct 2010
- Sonfield A, Gold RB, Medicaid Family Planning Expansion Lessons Learned and Implications for the Future, Guttmacher Institute, Dec 2011
- Center for Health Services & Policy Research, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina (2006). South Carolina Family Planning Medicaid Waiver Evaluation Survey of Women Results.
- Maternal Child Health and Education Research and Data Center, University of Florida (1999). Analysis of Telephone Survey Results: Family Planning Participants’ Knowledge of and Experience with Primary Care Referral.
- North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Medical Assistance, Navigant Consulting, Inc. (2009). North Carolina Medicaid Be Smart Family Planning Waiver: Waiver Year Four Report on the Non-Participant Survey.
Definitions of Common Indicators
Criteria for participant eligibility, types of services offered, and demonstration objectives vary among the waiver demonstrations. One of the objectives of the Workgroup is to define common indicators across State programs using state-specific waiver evaluation data for purposes of comparison. Although these may not match the indicators used in waiver demonstration reports, they allow the participating evaluators to compare process and outcome measures across states and over time.
Outreach and Improving Utilization
Working papers and examples of strategies used to strengthen utilization of Medicaid family planning waiver services.
- Alabama Outreach Measures in Family Planning Waivers
- Virginia Enrollee Survey Questionnaire
- Virginia Provider Survey Questionnaire 2006
Renewal Applications and Report
Members of the Workgroup post the evaluation sections of waiver applications and progress reports to share information, methods, and goals.
- Draft Application Template for States
- SC Waiver Renewal 2008 to 2010
- SC Evaluation Report Supplement 2007
- New CMS Budget Neutrality Standard (March 2011 Guttmacher Institute Memo)
Sample Evaluation Designs
Members of the Workgroup post working documents on evaluation designs to share their ideas with others who design or plan to design evaluations of waiver demonstrations. The materials posted may vary from the final evaluation design submitted to CMS.
- Virginia Evaluation Questions and Hypotheses 2007
- South Carolina Evaluation Design 1995-2006
- Texas Waiver Evaluation Plan March 2009
- Virginia Renewal Evaluation Plans July 2008