Advisory Board

The purpose of the Primary Care Research Fellowship Advisory Board is to provide the Program Director and Associate Directors with senior interdisciplinary guidance in setting overall program policy and strategic directions, help ensure that the program remains visible and supported by the School of Medicine and broader University, and help assure that fellows are actively involved in and well supported by their clinical department.


Giselle Corbie, MD, MSc
Kenan Distinguished Professor, Departments of Medicine and Social Medicine
Director, UNC Center for Health Equity Research
Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
UNC School of Medicine




Darren DeWalt, MD, MPH
John R. and Helen B. Chambliss Distinguished Professor and Chief, Division of General Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology
Director, UNC Institute for Healthcare Quality Improvement
UNC School of Medicine




Margaret Helton, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Family Medicine
UNC School of Medicine





Mark Holmes, PhD
Director, Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research
Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health





Donald Pathman, MD, MPH
Professor, Department of Family Medicine
UNC School of Medicine





Michael Steiner, MD, MPH
Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics
Division Chief, General Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
Director, Pediatric Network Development and Outreach