Child & Adolescent Health Services program’s recent publications
Within the publications section, you will find recent publications from the faculty at the Sheps Center’s Child & Adolescent Health Services program. You can browse through abstracts and publications in the table below.
Title | Investigators | Publication name | Date published |
Rationale, design, and methodology for the healthy mothers-healthy children study: a randomized controlled trial | Diane C. Berry, Cecilia Gonzales, Nilda Peragallo Montano, Krista M. Perreira, Alice S. Ammerman, Jaime Crandell, Kelly R. Evenson, Myles S. Faith, Hugh Waters, Crystal Linares, Yamnia I. Cόrtes & Eliana M. Perrin | BMC Nutrition | 12/16/2020 |
Evidence for a physiologic home–school gap in children of Latina immigrants | Marina M.Mendoza, Krista M.Perreira, Sarah Enos Watamura | Early Childhood Research Quarterly | 10/2020 |
Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric Neurology | Monica Lemmon, Hanna Huffstetler, Bryce B Reeve | Journal of Child Neurology | 9/2020 |
The effect of an accountable care organization on dental care for children with disabilities | Song, Paula, B. Alex White, Sara Berney, Domino, Marisa Elena | Journal of Public Health Dentistry | 9/2020 |
The impact of a question prompt list and video intervention on teen asthma control and quality-of-life one year later: results of a randomized trial | Betsy Sleath, Delesha Carpenter, Scott A Davis, Charles Lee, Nacire Garcia, Daniel S Reuland, Gail Tudor, Ceila E Loughlin | Journal of Asthma | 9/2020 |
Lifestyle-Related Determinants of Obesity Among Omani Children | Al Yazeedi, B., Berry, D.C., Crandell, J., & Waly, M. | Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal | 7/31/2020 |
Why Do Some Caregivers of Children with Disabilities Participate in Care Management While Others Do Not? Lessons from a Population in a Pediatric Accountable Care Organization | Hoffman, Abby F., Brian Hilligoss, Sandra J. Tanenbaum, Renée Ferrari, and Paula H. Song | Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved | 5/2020 |
Expanding construct validity of established and new PROMIS Pediatric measures for children and adolescents receiving cancer treatment. | Bryce B Reeve, Molly McFatrich, Jennifer W Mack, Laura C Pinheiro, Shana S Jacobs, Justin N Baker, Janice S Withycombe , Li Lin, Courtney M Mann, Katie R Villabroza, Pamela S Hinds | Pediatric Blood Cancer | 4/2020 |
Communication about Contraception with Adolescent Females with Asthma in Pediatric Visits | Rachel A Parry, Robyn Sayner, Scott A Davis, Bethany Y Beznos, Delesha M Carpenter , Betsy L Sleath | Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology | 8/2020 |
Adolescent and Young Women’s Daily Reports of Emotional Context and Episodes of Dating Violence | Pamela A. Matson, Ty A. Ridenour, Shang-en Chung, Avanti Adhia, Suzanne D. Grieb, Eddie Poole, Steven Huettner, Emily F. Rothman & Megan H. Bair-Merritt | Journal of Family Violence | 3/19/2020 |
Validity and Reliability of the Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events | Bryce B Reeve, PhD, Molly McFatrich, MPH, Jennifer W Mack, MD, MPH, Scott H Maurer, MD, Shana S Jacobs, MD, David R Freyer, DO, MS, Janice S Withycombe, PhD, RN, MN, Justin N Baker, MD, FAAP, FAAHPM, Sharon M Castellino, MD, MSc, Li Lin, MS, Nicole R Lucas, BS, Pamela S Hinds, PhD, RN, FAAN | Journal of the National Cancer Institute | 1/20/2020 |
Mapping child and adolescent self-reported symptom data to clinician-reported adverse event grading to improve pediatric oncology care and research | Molly McFatrich , Jennifer Brondon, Nicole R Lucas, Pamela S Hinds, Scott H Maurer, Jennifer W Mack, David R Freyer, Shana S Jacobs, Justin N Baker, Catriona Mowbray, Mian Wang, Sharon M Castellino, Allison Barz Leahy, Bryce B Reeve | Cancer | 1/2020 |
Conversations between Latina mothers and their child’s mental health provider an observational study of shared decision-making regarding pediatric patient mental health needs | Hale KL, Wallace DD, Blanco-Duran, Annis I, Guzman LE, Farcia SJ, Perez Jolles M, Sleath BL, Elwyn G, Stein GL, Thomas KC | Patient Education & Counseling | 1/2020 |
Conflicting Health Information (book chapter) | Carpenter D.M. & Han P.K.J. | The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology | 2020 |
Communicating with Children about Medicines (book chapter) | Carpenter D.M., Bush P. & Sleath B.L. | In Communication Skills in Pharmacy Practice (7th edition) | 2020 |
Residential transience among US adolescents: association with depression and mental health treatment | Glasheen C, Forman-Hoffman V, Hedden S, Ridenour T.A., Wang J, Porter J. | Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences | 12/28/2019 |
Validation of an app-based portable spirometer in adolescents with asthma | Brian Ring, Allison J Burbank, Katherine Mills, Sally Ivins, James Dieffenderfer, Michelle L Hernandez | Journal of Asthma | 12/10/2019 |
A Pilot Study of Emotional Response to Time-Out in Children With Conduct Problems and Callous-Unemotional Traits | Waschbusch, D.A., Willoughby, M.T., Haas, S.M., Ridenour, T.A., Helseth, S., Crum, K.I., Altszuler, A.R., Ross, J.M., Coles, E.K., Pelham, W.E. | Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology | 10/25/2019 |
Extra-familial social factors and obesity in the Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth | Julia I Bravin, Angela P Gutierrez, Jessica L McCurley, Scott C Roesch, Carmen R Isasi, Alan M Delamater, Krista M Perreira, Linda Van Horn, Sheila F Castañeda, Elizabeth R Pulgaron, Gregory A Talavera, Martha L Daviglus 10, Maria Lopez-Class , Donglin Zeng , Linda C Gallo | Journal of Behavioral Medicine | 10/2019 |
Preparing pharmacy students to communicate effectively with adolescents | Gilmartin-Thomas J., Sleath B., Bailey S.C., Carpenter D.M., Chater A., MacAllister C., Pyzik O., Wayman B., Annis I., Smith F. | International Journal of Pharmacy Practice | 10/2019 |
Association of food parenting practice patterns with obesogenic dietary intake in Hispanic/Latino youth: Results from the Hispanic Community Children's Health Study/Study of Latino Youth (SOL Youth) | Madison N LeCroy, Anna Maria Siega-Riz, Sandra S Albrecht, Dianne S Ward, Jianwen Cai, Krista M Perreira, Carmen R Isasi, Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani, Linda C Gallo, Sheila F Castañeda, June Stevens | Appetite | 9/1/2019 |
Characterizing psychiatric symptoms and neurocognitive functioning among substance‐naïve early adolescents: Associations with sleep problems | Nicholas C. Peiper ,Ty A. Ridenour, Diana H. Fishbein | Early Intervention in Psychiatry | 8/29/2019 |
Profiles of individual assets and mental health symptoms in at-risk early adolescents | Min, M.O.O., Yoon, D., Minnes, S., Ridenour, T.A., Singer, L. | Journal of Adolescence | 8/2019 |
Do youth ask asthma providers the questions they want to ask? | Scott A Davis, Richard F Brown, Robyn Sayner, Delesha Carpenter, Charles Lee, Nacire Garcia, Daniel S Reuland, Gail Tudor, Ceila E Loughlin, Betsy Sleath | The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology | 8/2019 |
The association of age, literacy, and race on completing patient-reported outcome measures in pediatric oncology | Withycombe JS, McFatrich M, Pinheiro L, Hinds PS, Keller FG, Baker JN, Mack JW, Sung L, Waldron MK, Reeve BB | Quality of Life Research | 7/28/2019 |
Effect of an Asthma Question Prompt List and Video Intervention on Adolescents' Medication Adherence 12 Months Later | Davis S.A., Carpenter D.M., Lee C., Garcia N., Reuland D.S., Tudor G., Loughlin C.E., Sleath B. | Annals of Pharmacotherapy | 7/2019 |
The Process of Integrating an Evidence-Based Intervention into a Public Health Department to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity Behaviors in Parents and Children | Diane C. Berry , PhD, ANP-BC, FAANP, FAAN,Emily G. Currin , BS & Madeline N. Neal , BS | Journal of Community Health Nursing | 7/10/2019 |
Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior among US Hispanic/Latino Youth: The SOL Youth Study | Evenson KR, Arrendondo EM, Carnethon MR, Delamater AM, Gallo LC, Isasi CR, Perreira KM, Foti SA, Van Horn L, Vidot DC, and Sotres-Alvarez D | Medical Science Sport Exercise | 5/2019 |
Discussions About Antibiotics During Adolescent Asthma Visits: Implications for Providers | Zachary Willis, Delesha Miller Carpenter, Robyn Sayner, Betsy L Sleath | Clinical Pediatrics | 5/2019 |
Evaluation of an infused alcohol and drug prevention programme | Muhsin Michael Orsini, David L. Wyrick, William B. Hansen, Rita G. O’Sullivan, Denise Hallfors, Allan B. Steckler, Ty A. Ridenour | Health Education | 4/1/2019 |
Socioeconomic Adversity, Social Resources, and Allostatic Load Among Hispanic/Latino Youth: The Study of Latino Youth | Linda C Gallo, Scott C Roesch, Julia I Bravin, Kimberly L Savin, Krista M Perreira, Mercedes R Carnethon, Alan M Delamater, Christian R Salazar, Maria Lopez-Gurrola, Carmen R Isasi | Psychosomatic Medicine | 4/2019 |
Adolescent feedback on predisposing, reinforcing and enabling features in asthma self-management apps | Roberts C.A., Sage A.J., Geryk L.L., Sleath B.L., Carpenter D.M. | Health Education Journal | 3/26/2019 |
Implications of eligibility category churn for pediatric payment in Medicaid | Deena J Chisolm, Sean P Gleeson, Kelly J Kelleher, Marisa E Domino, Emily Alexy, Wendy Yi Xu, Paula H Song | The American Journal of Managed Care | 3/25/2019 |
Stress and Resilience: Key Correlates of Mental Health and Substance Use in the Hispanic Community Health Study of Latino Youth | Krista M Perreira, Ashley N Marchante, Seth J Schwartz, Carmen R Isasi, Mercedes R Carnethon, Heather L Corliss, Robert C Kaplan, Daniel A Santisteban, Denise C Vidot, Linda Van Horn, Alan M Delamater | Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health | 2/21/2019 |
Childhood Overweight and Obesity is Increasing in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A Review of the Literature | Basma Al Yazeedi, Diane Berry | Journal of Transcultural Nursing | 2/19/2019 |
Food Insecurity Among Hispanic/Latino Youth: Who Is at Risk and What Are the Health Correlates? | Stephanie Potochnick, Krista M Perreira ,Julia I Bravin, Sheila F Castañeda, Martha L Daviglus, Linda C Gallo, Carmen R Isasi | Journal of Adolescent Health | 1/30/2019 |
Associations between Child Maltreatment, Harsh Parenting, and Sleep with Adolescent Mental Health | Brian H Calhoun, Ty A Ridenour, Diana H Fishbein | Journal of Family Studies | 1/28/2019 |
Patient-reported outcome monitoring in a routine paediatric oncology setting: challenges and opportunities | Geetinder Kaur, Derek Kyte, Bryce B Reeve, Ethan Basch, Melanie Calvert | The Lancet Oncology | 1/20/2019 |
Policies of Exclusion: Implications for the Health of Immigrants and Their Children | Krista M. Perreira and Juan M. Pedroza | Annual Review of Public Health | 1/2/2019 |
E-cigs: what are they and how are they impacting our youth | Michelle Hernandez | American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology | 1/2019 |
Adolescent Preferences and Design Recommendations for an Asthma Self-Management App: Mixed-Methods Study | Courtney Roberts, MSPH, Adam Sage, MA, PhD, Lorie Geryk, MSPH, PhD, Betsy Sleath, PhD, and Delesha Carpenter, MSPH, PhD | JMIR Formative Research | 12/2018 |
The association of metabolic dysfunction with breastfeeding outcomes in gestational diabetes. | Angelica V Glover , Diane C Berry, Todd A Schwartz, Alison M Stuebe | American Journal of Perinatology | 12/2018 |
Developmental trajectories of externalizing behavior from ages 4 to 12: Prenatal cocaine exposure and adolescent correlates | Min M.O., Minnes S., Park, H. Ridenour, T.A., Kim J.Y., Yoon, M., Singer, L.T. | Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 11/1/2018 |
Translation, psychometric validation, and baseline results of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) pediatric measures to assess health-related quality of life of patients with pediatric lymphoma in Malawi | Westmoreland K, Reeve BB, Amuquandoh A, van der Gronde T, Manthalu O, Correia H, Stanley C, Itimu S, Salima A, Chikasema M, Ward P, Mpasa A, Wachepa S, Mtete I, Butia M, Chasela M, Mtunda M, Wasswa P, Martin S, El-Mallawany Kim N, Kazembe P, Gopal S. | Pediatric Blood Cancer | 11/2018 |
Associations between acculturation, ethnic identity, and diet quality among U.S. Hispanic/Latino Youth: Findings from the HCHS/SOL Youth Study | Arandia G*, Sotres-Alvarez D, Siega-Riz AM, Arredondo E, Carnethon MR, Delamater AM, Gallo L, Isasi CR, Marchante AN, Pritchard D, Van Horn L, Perreira KM | Appetite | 10/1/2018 |
Associations between maternal physical activity and fitness during pregnancy and infant birthweight | Samantha M.McDonald, SeonAe Yeo, Jihong Liu, Sara Wilcox, XuemiSui, Russell R.Pate | Preventative Medicine Reports | 9/2018 |
Child and adolescent self-report symptom measurement in pediatric oncology research: a systematic literature review | Pinheiro LC, McFatrich M, Lucas N, Walker JS, Withycombe JS, Hinds PS, Sung L, Tomlinson D, Freyer DR, Mack JW, Baker JN, Reeve BB | Quality of Life Research | 9/6/2018 |
Reported Problems and Adherence in Using Asthma Medications Among Adolescents and Their Caregivers | Betsy Sleath, Daniel Gratie, Delesha Carpenter, Scott A Davis, Charles Lee, Ceila E Loughlin, Nacire Garcia, Daniel S Reuland, Gail Tudor | Annals of Pharmacotherapy | 9/2018 |
A conceptual framework for preventing aggression in elementary schools | Alan R. Ellis | Conflict Resolution Quarterly | 8/23/2018 |
Low-level ozone has both respiratory and systemic effects in African American adolescents with asthma despite asthma controller therapy | Hernandez ML, Dhingra R, Burbank AJ, Todorich K, Loughlin CE, Frye M, Duncan K, Robinette C, Mills K, Devlin RB, Peden DB, Diaz-Sanchez D. | The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology | 8/10/2018 |
Profiles of Language Brokering Experiences and Contextual Stressors: Implications for Adolescent Outcomes in Mexican Immigrant Families | Su Yeong Kim, Yang Hou, Jiaxiu Song, Seth J Schwartz, Shanting Chen, Minyu Zhang, Krista M Perreira, Deborah Parra-Medina | Journal of Youth Adolescents | 8/2018 |
Skills attained by infants with congenital Zika syndrome: Pilot data from Brazil | Anne C Wheeler, Camila V Ventura, Ty Ridenour, Danielle Toth, Lucélia Lima Nobrega, Lana Claudia Silva de Souza Dantas, Camilla Rocha, Donald B Bailey Jr , Liana O Ventura | PLoS One | 7/26/2018 |
Objectively Measured Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity, and Cardiometabolic Risk in Hispanic Youth: Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latino Youth | Garrett Strizich, Robert C Kaplan, Daniela Sotres-Alvarez, Keith M Diaz, Amber L Daigre, Mercedes R Carnethon, Denise C Vidot, Alan M Delamater, Lilian Perez, Krista Perreira, Carmen R Isasi, Qibin Qi | The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism | 6/26/2018 |
Impacting diabetes self-management in women with gestational diabetes mellitus using short messaging reminders | Johnson, Quinetta B. MD, MPH (Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellow); Berry, Diane C. PhD, ANP-BC, FAANP, FAAN (Professor) | Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners | 6/2018 |
Improving youth question-asking and provider education during pediatric asthma visits | Betsy Sleath, Daniel Gratie, Delesha Carpenter, Scott A Davis, Charles Lee, Ceila E Loughlin, Nacire Garcia, Daniel S Reuland, Gail Tudor | Patient Education & Counseling | 6/2018 |
Benefits for both African American and White children and parents taught together in a community-based weight management program | Diane Berry | BMC Public Health | 6/2018 |
Culture's Influence on Stressors, Parental Socialization, and Developmental Processes in the Mental Health of Children of Immigrants | Su Yeong Kim, Seth Schwartz, Krista Perreira, Linda Juang | Annual Review of Clinical Psychology | 5/7/2018 |
Online information-seeking behaviors of parents of children with ADHD | Adam Sage, Delesha Carpenter, Robyn Sayner, Kathleen Thomas, Larry Mann, Sandy Sulzer, Adrian Sandler, Betsy Sleath | Clinical Pediatrics | 1/2018 |
Provider use of a participatory decision-making style with youth and caregivers and satisfaction with pediatric asthma visits | Betsy Sleath, Delesha M Carpenter, Imelda Coyne, Scott A Davis, Claire Hayes Watson , Ceila E Loughlin, Nacire Garcia, Daniel S Reuland, Gail E Tudor | Patient Related Outcomes Measures | 5/2018 |
Childhood and adult exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and cardiac structure and function: results from Echo-SOL | Burroughs Peña MS, Swett K, Kaplan RC, Perreira K, Daviglus M, Mayank M Kansal MM, Cai J, Giachello AL, Gellman MD, Velazquez EJ, Rodriguez CJ. | Open Heart | 2018 |
Promoting the Health of Children of Immigrants and Refugees (Book chapter) | Perreira KM and Fadnes LT | Refugee and Migrant Health: A Primary Care Perspective | 2018 |